Monday 12 August 2013

Tajuk: Iblis Termasuk Golongan Jin!

Allah SWT berfirman di dalam Surah Al-Kahfi (18) ayat 50 :

Maksudnya : "Dan (ingatla) ketika Kami berfrman kepada para malaikat, '"Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam"!' maka sujudlah mereka kecuali iblis, dia adalah daripada golongan jin, maka ia menderhakai perintah Tuhannya..."

Jin seperti manusia, makhluk yang mempunyai ikhtiar yang mampu untuk berbuat taat dan bermaksiat. Selama dia mempunyai ikhtiar maka dia bukanlah termasuk daripada kalangan bangsa malaikat. Kerana malaikat tidak mempunyai ikhtiar.

Firman Allah yang menerangkan tentang malaikat:

Maksudnya : "... yang tidak menderhakai Allah terhadap apa yang diperintahkan-Nya kepada mereka dan selalu mengerjakan apa yang diperintahkan"

(Surah At-Tahrim 66 : ayat 6)

Sebahagian manusia berkata, "Sesungguhnya di dalam nas Al-Quran melazimkan, bahawa Iblis termasuk daripada bangsa malaikat, hal ini dibuktikan dengan firman Allah Ta'ala di dalam Surah Al-A'raf (7) ayat 11 :

Maksudnya: Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan kamu (Adam), lalu Kami bentuk tubuh, kemudian Kami berfirman kepada para malaikat: " Bersujudlah kamu kepada Adam", maka mereka pun bersujud kecuali iblis. Ia tidak termasuk mereka yang bersujud.

Akan tetapi, kami mesti memungkinkan nas tersebut terhadap nas yang lain yang berbunyi, "Maka sujudlah mereka kecuali iblis, dia adalah daripada golongan jin".

Apabila kita sedarkan bahawa malaikat tidak mempunyai ikhtiar. Oleh kerana itu, maka manusia atau jin mampu untuk melakukan perbuatan taat dan maksiat. Allah memberikan ketaatan dan ikhtiar ini hingga mencapai darjat yang melebihi malaikat. Oleh kerana itu dinamakan Iblis dengan burung merak malaikat. Kerana mereka dapat bangga di hadapan malaikat disebabkan mereka tetap berpegang kepada manhaj Allah. 

Tidak di antara kita yang dapat menempati darjat yang paling tinggi, akan tetapi amal dan ketaatan dapat menghantarkan ke darjat yang paling tinggi di sisi Allah Ta'aka. Dan perbuatan maksiat menghantarkan ke tempat yang paling bawah. Maka ini adalah hikmah Allah. Jin, kerana dia termasuk makhluk yang terbuat daripada api dia mempunyai kelebihan, di mana dia dapat bererak cepat, menembusi dinding dan masuk ke dalam tubuh manusia. Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah SAW, "Sesunguhnya syaitan itu berada di anak Adam di tempat aliran peredaran darah".

Sehingga iblis itu seperti hama penyakit. Demikian tabiat unsur penciptaan jin iaitu unsur api. Apabila kamu duduk di balik dinding dan di sisi lain diletakkan epal, maka kamu tidak mampu mengubah bentuk, warna dan rasa epal. Akan tetapi di sana ada api di balik dinding, maka panas dan sengatannya  dapat mengubahnya, kerana tabiatnya yang menembus.


Wednesday 7 August 2013

How to Cosplay As Near from Death Note

If you really wish to achieve total genius, and surpass others, become like Near. You will develop a higher I.Q. and understand more then you wish to know, making you smarter and a more interesting person. Developing this personality is not hard and can be learned slowly, or quickly.


1. Develop a taste for knowledge. The more you know, the further you can learn in life and surpass other people around you. The smarter you are, the more successful you will become. But don't make it too obvious.

2. When sitting, bring one leg (usually the left) up to your chair, couch, whatever you are sitting on, and leave the other one hanging.
 If on the ground, sit as if you were sitting on your chair, couch, etc. One leg up and the other pointing away from you, it might not be comfortable, so you can sit with you legs up to your chest but not with your hands on your knees.

3. Develop a calm, stoic personality. When someone bothers you, leave it alone, and just reply nicely and calmly. When needed, use a serious tone, only when needed though.

4. When walking, hunch over slightly. Very slightly, and just walk, continuing from there.

5. Take your time. Learn to enjoy puzzles, and build objects upon other objects to cure your time, so you can think about something. Try to use toys in most explanations you can, not needed, but you can. Playing with toys is one way to have fun and calm yourself.

6. When trying, don't be too smug.
People will like you a lot less. Try your best to think about any situations that you need to worry about, and try to anticipate movements, peoples actions and such. Try to get the best information you can when there is a "case" with your friends or family, and try to "solve it" the best you can. Just remember to predict movements.

7. Avoid wearing footwear. If it is allowed in your school, do it. If not wear white sneakers or ballet flats. Mostly, only wear socks.

8. Stare blankly into the eyes of people that look at you. Speak only when spoken to, and try to always be thinking of something. In school/work, do not pay attention if it is something you have already learned. This will show and assure everyone that you are overly smart.

9. Do "NOT" forget the hair twirl. (Most often right side, with your right hand, and just in front of the ear)

10. Wear white pajamas. If you are a girl wear binding on your chest to look more like a guy. Also have your hair short (not past neck),and bleach your hair or get a white wig. And wear eyeliner, if wanted.

11. Play with toys. Stacking up dices and matchsticks, throwing darts(but not really hitting the target),using finger puppets as real people, blank puzzles with the L logo, tarot cards, robots and remote controlled ducks.


» You WILL get strange looks at times.
» Never act too smug. People won't like you as much and think you are cocky.Near never acts smug anyway(unless he's bringing down Kira).
»  If there is something that you do not like to or want to do, just say that you just "do not feel like doing it".
»  Play with simple toys, (stacking matchsticks/dice, throwing darts, waving around toy cars and jets) while looking absentminded. If somebody tries talking to you, give them short, to-the-point answers.
»  Act as if you don't care much for anything, but secretly be listening.


» You'll get called names and stared at a lot if this does happen don't retaliate this will break the "Near" affect.